InFUSE - Empowerment Program featured in the Evergreen Times Article
written by Brenden Pragasam
Educating people with disabilities has always been sidelined due to the lack of resources and the choice of allocating these resources between high achieving students in the community and children with disabilities. While special education schools are trying their best to try to educate these children with limited resources, there is a huge scarcity for programs outside the school like quality Summer camps and Afterschool programs. Programs which attempted to incorporate children with disabilities are not successful mainly due to lack of expertise in teaching these children and the cost involved.
For the entire article visit:
The prestigious Jefferson Community Service Award was awarded by KPIX CBS to Simirithaa Karunakaran for her volunteering service at InFUSE
Simirithaa who is also known as Simi has been a volunteer at InFUSE since the past two years. She conducts an art program at the InFUSE after School program and she was also integral in planning the InFUSE Prom that was held May of 2019.
Articles about the prom was published in the Evergreen Times and India Currents magazine.
A segment of video was telecasted on November 14th 2019 during the Evening 5:30pm KPIX CBS telecast: